Mountain to Mouth (M~M), Geelong’s own award winning two-day arts journey of discovery from the You Yangs to Barwon Heads, is evolving!
With the 10-year anniversary of the first event in 2020, it’s timely for the City to review its format to ensure it remains current, sustainable and responsive to the needs and interests of our local communities and those who have engaged at a grass-roots level.
We are now consulting with Traditional Owners, artists, previous event partners and participants, stakeholder groups and local communities to understand what elements of the event are most valued and to help shape what M~M might look like in the future.
While the walk element will not be staged in 2020, the community will still be able to enjoy installations relating to Mountain to Mouth at its sister event, Geelong After Dark, on Friday 1 May 2020.
These will also form part of the community engagement in reviewing the event - and stay tuned on this site and the Geelong region Arts Atlas for a survey in March for you to provide your feedback.