Honour Board
- Lara Fire Brigade
- Corio Fire Brigade
- Corangamite Catchment Authority's Water Watch and Community Monitoring Program volunteers
- Ford Motor Company
- Deakin University
- Karingal
- City of Greater Geelong Pedestrian Crossing Wardens
- National Celtic Festival
- Geelong Sustainability Group
- Drysdale Festival of Glass/Drysdale-Clifton Springs Community Association
- Friends of the Hooded Plover
- Ocean Grove Harriers
- Ocean Grove Life Saving Club
M~M2016 Pilgrims
The walkers that completed the 80km walk
Alison Kent
Amanda Walker
Andrea McNair
Aspen Filia
Belinda Stapleton
Bernard Kersten
Bridget Gooda
Carly Monaghan
Carole Blackburne
Cathy Galan
Chewy Fang
Cindy Plowman
Coralie Nash
Debra Robinson
Eve Armytage
Fiona Dyson
Fiona Rogers
Jane Cuthbertson
Janet Foster
Janette Lambert
Janine Payne
Joanne Mitchell
Joe Rios
John Cook
Karen Firth
Kevin Griffiths
Kim Mancinelli
Kirsten Powell
Kylie Hattwell
Lesa Macpherson
Lianne (Li) Poon
Lyn Hume
Marg Harvey
Margot Kleindienst
Melinda Solly
Melissa Nolan
Nicola (Nikki) Welsh
Paige Filia
Paul Tant
Rachelle Price
Robert Fletcher
Sally Chapman
Sandy Lean
Sarah Chapman
Sharon Bourke
Stephen Kerr
Tanya Wilson
Terry Molony
Tracey McNaughton
Trevor Clutterbuck
Whitney Karner
Zytel Hircoe