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Station 3: Limeburners LagoonWalking Circle: MC3 Grass Shrine

  • Limeburners Lagoon End of Foreshore Rd Corio, VIC, 3214 Australia (map)

Station Open: 4:30pm - 6:45pm

LIMEBURNERS LAGOON - a Ramsar Wetland site of international significance.

MC3 Grass Shrine

Artist's Impression

Grass Shrine was first created for M~M@GAD2015. The original shrine was in the form of a cube that invited participants to crawl into the space to sit and meditate on a lone Kangaroo Grass while listening to a sound sculpture by singer/songwriter, Rose Bygrave and poet, Barry Hill. The shrine was created in dedication to the  native grasslands of the Geelong region.

Grass Shrine at Geelong After Dark
Artist: Simon Macaulay

MC3 (Meditation Cube Cubed) Grass Shrine engages the neighbouring school, Geelong Grammar, community centres and residents in making as many different ratios of the original cube shrine to create an extreme art experience in the natural environment of Limeburners Lagoon.

This galaxy of cubes are placed in a spiral formation reflecting the night sky and celestial motion that spins around a still point.
